
(jair2018) #1


y v

w = S(z)



Figure 10.7

. -iz + 4i

The mappmg w = S (z) =.

which determines a mapping of the disk lz - 21 < 2 onto the upper half-plane
Im ( w) > 0. We simplify the preceding equation to obtain the desired solution:


  • iz+4i
    W= Z =.

A straightforward calculation shows that the points z 4 = 1 - i, z 5 = 2, and

Z6 = 1 + i are mapped onto t he points

W4 = 8 (1 -i) = -2 + i, ws = S (2) = i, and w6 = S (1 + i) = 2 + i,

respectively. The points W4, w5, and w6 lie on the horizontal line Im (w) = 1 in

the upper half-plane. Therefore, the crescent-shaped region is mapped onto the
horiwntal strip 0 <Im (w) < 1, as shown in Figtire 10.7.

10.2.1 Lines of Flux

In electronics, images of certain lines represent lines of electric flux, which com-
prise the trajectory of an electron placed in an electrical field. Consider the
bilinear t ransformation
z aw
w=S(z)=-- and z=S-^1 (w)=- -.
z - a w - 1
The half-rays { Arg ( w) = c}, where c is a constant, that meet at the origin

w = 0 represent the lines of electric flux produced by a source located at w = 0

(and a sink at w = oo). The preimage of this family of lines is a family of circles
that pass t hrough the points z = 0 and z = a. We visualize these circles as
the lines of electric flux from one p oint charge to another. The limit ing case as
a--+ 0 is called a dipole and is discussed in Exercise 6, Section 11 .11. The graphs
for a = 1, a= 0.5, and a= 0.1 are shown in Figure 10.8.
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