
(jair2018) #1

(a) (b)
Figure 10. 15 The Riemann surfaces for the mapping w = (z^2 - 1)'.


  1. Find the image of the semi-infinite strip 0 < x < ~, y > 0, under t he transforma-
    tion w =exp (iz).

  2. Find the image of the rectangle 0 < x < In 2, 0 < y < ~, under the transformation
    w = expz.

  3. Find the image of the first quadrant x > 0, y > 0, under w = ~L-Ogz.

  4. Find the image of t he annulus 1 < lzl < e under w = Logz.

  5. Show that t he multivalued function w =log z maps t he annulus 1 < lzl < e onto
    the vertical strip 0 < Re ( w) < 1.

  6. Show that w =^2 ; ;
    maps t he portion of the right half-plane Re (z) > 0 that lies
    to the right of the hyperbola x^2 - y^2 = 1 onto t he unit disk lwl < 1.

  7. Show that the function w = ::+! maps the horizontal strip -71' <Im (z) < 0 onto
    the region 1 < lw l.

  8. Show t hat w = ::+~ maps the horizontal strip IYI < f onto t he unit disk lwl < 1.

  9. Find the image of the upper half-plane Im (z) > 0 under w =Log~.

  10. Find the image of t he portion of the upper half-plane I m (z) > 0 that lies outside

the circle lzl = 1 under the t ransformation w = Log ( ~).

  1. Show that t he function w = (1 + z)^2 / (1 - z)^2 maps the portion of the disk lz l < 1
    that lies in the first quadrant onto the portion of t he upper half-plane Im (w) > 0
    t hat lies outside t he unit disk.

  2. Find the image of the upper half-plane Im ( z) > 0 under w = Log ( 1 - z^2 ).

1 3. Find t he branch of w = ( z^2 + 1) ~ that maps the right half-plane Re ( z) > 0 onto
the right half-plane Re(w) > 0 sHt along the segment 0 < u $ 1, v = 0.

  1. Show t hat the transformation w = ; 2 +: maps the portion of the first quadrant
    x > 0, y > 0, that lies outside t he citcle lzl = 1 onto the first quadrant u > 0,
    v > 0.

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