
(jair2018) #1


Figure 11.97 A source and a sink on the edges of a strip.

determines a fluid flow in the w plane past the boundary curves K 1 and K2,
which lie along streamlines of the flow. Therefore, the complex potential for the
fluid flow in the infinite strip in the z plane is

sin z - 1
smz+ 1

Several streamlines for the flow are illustrated in Figure 11.97.

We can use the technique of transformation of a source to determine the
effluence from a channel extending from infinity. In this case, we construct a
conformal mapping w = S (z) from the upper ha.If-plane Im (z) > 0 so that
the single source located at zo = 0 is mapped to the point wo at infinity that
lies along the channel. The streamlines emanating from zo = 0 in the upper
half-plane are mapped onto streamlines issuing from the channel.

  • EXAMPLE 11 .3 4 Consider the conformal mapping

2 1 2 1
w = S (z) = - (z^2 - 1)^2 + - Arcsin- ,
1f 1f z

which maps the upper half-plane lm(z) > 0 onto the domain consisting of the
upper half-plane Im ( w) > 0 joined to the channel - 1 $ u $ 1, v $ O. The point
zo = 0 is mapped onto the point w 0 = - ioo along the channel. Images of the
rays r > 0, (} = a: are streamlines issuing from the channel as indicated in Figure
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