- Use the time differentiation property and the result of Exercise 4 to show that
J° te--Z ••) = - iwet= -r.
y21r - Use the symmetry and linearity properties and the results of Exercise 3 to show
;j ( si:: ~) = {
.~;wl, for lwl ~ 1;
for lwl > 1.
In this section we investigate a very powerful tool for engineering applications.
12.5.1 From the Fourier Transform to the Laplace
We have shown that certain real-valued functions f (t) have a Fourier transform
and that the integral
g (w) = 1-: f (t) e - iwtdt
defines the complex function g (w) of the real variable w. If we multiply the
integrand f (t) e -iwt by C"t, then we create a complex function G (u + iw) of
the complex variable u + iw:
G (u + iw) = 1-: I (t) e-ute-iwtdt = 1-: J (t) e-<u+iw}tdt.
The function G (u + iw) is called the two-sided Laplace transfor m off (t),
and it exists when the Fourier transform of the function f (t) e-ut exists. From
Fourier transform theory, a. sufficient condition for G ( u + iw) to exist is that
For a function f (t), this integral is finite for values of u that lie in some
interval a < u < b.
The two-sided La.place transform has the lower limit of integration t = -oo
and hence requires a. knowledge of the pa.st history of the function f (t) (i.e.,
when t < 0). For most physical applications, we are interested in the behavior
of a system only for t 2: 0. The initial conditions f (0), f' (0), f" (0), ... are a
consequence of the pa.st history of the system and are often all that we know.
For this reason, it is useful to define the one-sided Laplace transform of f ( t),