
(jair2018) #1

  1. T he right half-plane given by Re(z) > 0 is mapped onto the region in the
    right half-plane satisfying u^2 - v^2 > 0 and lies to the right of u^2 - v^2 = 0.

This is the region between the Enes u = v and u = -v in t he right half of

the w planfl. A similar analysis can be applied to the case where b = O.

Section 2.3. Limits and Continuity: page 77

la. -3+ 5i.

le. -4i.

le. 1 - ~i.

  1. lim (e"'cosy+ix^2 y) = lim (e"cosy+ix^2 y). The result now fol-

z-+•o (:z;, 11)-(xo, yo)

lows by Theorem 2.1 since the real and imaginary parts of the last expression
have limits that imply t he desired conclusion. You should show the details
for this, of course.

  1. 12 -
    Sa. lim J::L = lim ~ = lim z = 0.
    z-o z z - 0 z z~o
    7a. i.

7c. 1.

  1. No. To see why, approach 0 along t he real and imaginary axes, respectively.

lla. If z -+ - 1 along the upper semicircle r = 1, 0 < 0 ~ 1r, then lim f ( z) =

z-- 1
IJ-+1r lim (cos(~) + isin (U] =cos(~) + isin (~) = i.

  1. The real part is continuous since lim xell = lim xeY = xoeYo. A

    -+•o (x,y)~(xo,yo}
    similar argument shows the imaginary part is continuous. The function f is
    then continuous by Theorem 2.1.

  2. No. The limit d oes not exist. Show why.

17. Rewrite f as in problem 9, and mimic the argument for part a with an
arbitrary negative real number taking t he role of -1.

  1. Let €: > 0 be given. Since Jim f (z) = 0, there is some number o such that
    f (z) E D fr (0) whenever z E D~ (zo). Show t his implies that if z E D6 (O),
    then If (z) g (z) -OI =If (z)l lg {z)I < €,so that f (z) g (z) E D, (0).

2la. We have remarked that example (2.16) shows that the function h(z) = z is

continuous for all z. Since f is continuous for all z, we can apply Theorem
(2.4) to the function f o h to conclude that g (z) = f (h (z)) = f (z) is
continuous for all z.
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