is in fact a holomorphic modular form of weight l = k + 3/2 and level 4 and a cusp
form when k? 1 (see [15] Chap. 10). For a cusp form f of half-integral weight l
of some level q = 0(4) with Fourier expansion
f(z) = L P1(n)n~ e(nz)
n;;. 1
one has the following bound of Hecke type which comes from Petersson's formula
(either for holomorphic forms or for half-integral weight Maass forms) (see (15]
chap. 5):
(5.5) P f (n) « f ,c n-l/4+c
for any c > 0. This bounds yields r p ( n) «P,c n kt
+^0 which is barely not suf-
ficient for our equidistribution problem. In fact, either for squarefree n or for
weight l? 5/2, Hecke's bound is not sharp: one expects the analog of the Ra-
manujan/ Petersson Conjecture
P f (n) « f,c n-l/2+c
for all n and l? 5/2, or for squarefree n when l = 3/2. We see that equidistribution
follows from any non-trivial improvement over the - 1/4 exponent in (5 .5); such an
improvement was provided for the first time by Iwaniec (11] and is given below. 0
Theorem 5.3. Let f be a holomorphic cusp form of weight l? 3/2, one has,
•for any n if l? 5/2,
- for n squarefree if l = 3/2
(5.6) P f (n) « c,f n-l/4-l/28+c
for any c > 0 the implied constant depending on c and f.
Remark 5.4. The case l? 5/2 (which is the only case of interest for the equidis-
tribution problem) was proved by Iwaniec for n squarefree (11]; the case l = 3/2
was proved by Duke by using a version due to Proskurin of Petersson's formula for
3/2-weight Maass forms [Du]; the reduction from squarefree n to all n follows from
the Shimura lifting, as is explained in [Sal] or below.
We will not give the original proof of Theorem 5.3, but rather we explain a
slightly weaker bound connected with the ScP. This is achieved through the theory
of the Shimura lift and the work of Waldspurger [Sh, Wal]. First we may assume
that f(z) is a primitive half-integral weight cusp form (in particular an eigenvalue
of the Hecke operators TP 2 defined by Shimura). Then for d squarefree, one has
where x(p) = C-;,1)^1 -^112 (~) and >.. 9 (p) are the Hecke eigenvalues of some primitive
holomorphic form of weight 2l - 1 and level dividing the level of f; moreover,
as long as f is orthogonal to the theta functions of one variable (for example if
l? 5/2), then g is a cusp form [Sh]. Hence for n? 1, one has
2 "'\"""""' μ(b)
(5.8) PJ(dn ) = PJ(d) L.., b 1 / 2 x(b)>.. 9 (n/b),