5.3 Continuity on Compact Sets and Intervals 249
Caution: Theorem 5.3.6 says that the continuous image of a closed, bounded
set is closed and bounded. It does not say that the continuous image of a
bounded set must b e bounded,^12 or that the continuous image of a closed set
must be closed. Indeed, neither of these is true! (See Exercise 6.)
Corollary 5.3.7 (Extreme Value Theorem): If A is a nonempty compact
set and f : A -+ IR is continuous, then f has the extreme value property on
(a) 3u = minf(A) = min{f(x): x EA}, and
(b) 3v = maxf(A) = max{f(x): x EA}.
That is, a continuous function assumes a maximum and a minimum value on
any nonempty compact set.
Proof. Exercise 5. •
Before discussing continuous functions on intervals, we remind ourselves of
the definition of an "interval,'' given in Section 1.6. There, we first defined a
closed interval [a, b] and then defined an interval^13 in general as any set I that
satisfies the condition
Vx < y in I, [x, y] ~ I.
The following theorem looks innocent enough, but it has far-reaching con-
sequences in calculus and analysis. It leads to the "intermediate value theorem"
and other important consequences.
Theorem 5.3.8 Suppose I is an interval and f : I -+ IR is continuous. Then
f (I) is an interval.^14
Proof. Suppose f : I-+ IR is continuous on an interval I. To prove that f (I)
is an interval, let u,v E f(I), where u < v. We must show that every w E (u,v)
is also in f(I). So, suppose u < w < v. Since u, v E f(I), 3 a, b EI 3 u = f(a)
and v = f(b). Then either a< b orb< a.
But, see Theorem 5.4.6.
See Definition 1.2.16.
In the general setting of topology, this theorem would state that the continuous image of
a "connect ed " set is "connect ed." See references such as [4], [45], [94], or [122].