8.8 *Elementary Transcendental Functions (Project) 53 5
- For the double series I: aij defined by the matrix
0 -1 0 0 0
1 0 -1 0 0
0 1 0 -1 0
0 0 1 0 -1...
0 0 0 1 0
find the sum by rows and the sum by columns.
* 18. Write the infinite matrix representing the "double geometric series" I: ri sj.
Assuming 0 < Iii, IJI < 1, find the sum by rows (or columns).
We could say that a double series I: aij converges to S ¢:;> Ve > 0, 3n 0 E
N 3 m,n ::'.:: no ==;. li~j~l aij -SI < E:. In this definition, i~j~l aij
plays the role of "partial sum." Explain why this method of summing a
double series could be called "summing by upper left rectangles." Prove
that if the sum by rows (or the sum by columns) of I: laijl converges,
then I: aij converges by this definition. Show that the double series of
Exercise 17 does not converge by this definition.
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*20. Given series I: ak and I: bk, find an infinite matrix whose sum by
k=l k=l
columns is their Cauchy product.
* Element ary Transcendental Functions
This section is designed as a project to be completed by stu-
dents. It has no exercise set at the end. Instead, students are
asked to furnish proofs for claims left unproved in the text.