
(jair2018) #1
590 Appendix A • Logic and Proofs

  1. A necessary condition for an integer to be divisible by 12 is that it be
    divisible by both 4 and 3.

  2. A sufficient condition for an integer to be divisible by 12 is that it be
    divisible by both 4 and 3.

12. It isn't true that if you go on diet X you will get sick and not lose weight.

  1. Suppose you know that PA rv Q, Q V R, and R =? S are all true. Find
    the only possible truth-values of P, Q, R, and S.

14. Suppose you know that P V R , (P V Q) =? S, (RAP)=? T, and rv Sare
all true. Find the only possible truth-values of P, Q, R , S, and T.

  1. Let A denote "The assignment is easy," W denote "I work hard,'' U denote
    "I understand the basic ideas," and E denote "I enjoy mathematics."
    Translate the following statements into symbolic form:

(a) The assignment is easy only if I understand the basic ideas.
(b) Enjoying mathematics is a necessary condition for me to work
(c) The assignment isn't easy if I don't work hard or do not under-
stand the basic ideas.
(d) The assignment is easy only if I work hard, but it is not true
that my enjoying mathematics is a sufficient condition for my un-
derstanding the basic ideas.

Translate the following symbolic forms into verbal statements:

(e) (UAW)=? E.
(f) rv A:::} (rv UV rv W).
(g) rv (E =? (W =?A)).


Definition A.1.14 A tautology is a compound proposition that always has
truth-value T, regardless of the truth-values of its constituent parts.

Examples A.1.15 Some obvious tautologies:

(a) P V rv P (d) (PA Q) :::} Q
(b) P =? P (e) rv (PA rv P) (law of excluded middle)
(c) P =? (P v Q) (f) rv (rv P) {::} P (double negation)
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