2.1 Basic Concepts: Convergence and Limits 61
- Let c > 0.
- Find a real number r such that lxn - LI < c for all n 2: r.
(This is what we did in Part (c) of Examples 2 .1. 5 and 2.1.7.) - Let no denote a ny natural number 2: r (found in Ste.p 2).
(The Archimedean property guarantees the existence of this n 0 .) - Prove directly that for this value of no, n 2: no =? lxn - LI < c.
(This is what we did in Examples 2.1.6 and 2.1.8.)
Note: Step 2 above, although of critical importance in finding n 0 , is not
considered part. of the proof of n--+ex> lim Xn = L. It is never included when the
proof is written up. It may be discarded once Step 4 is completed. In fact, step
4 is usually done by working Step 2 backwards, as demonstrated in Examples
2.1.6 and 2.1.8.
l. Write out the first eight terms of each of the following sequences:
r (a) { ~2} (b) {(-l)n}
(c) {n~} (d) {(1 + *r}
( e) {sin ( mr)} (f) {cos ( m r)}
~g) { COS ( n 3 n) } (h) { n
~ 2n}
- In each of the following exercises, a limit statement n-+oo li m Xn = L is given.
In each case, answer the following questions:
(1) After how many t erms are we guaranteed that Xn is within. 01 of L?
(2) After how many terms are we guaranteed that Xn is an accurat e
approximation of L to within 3 decimal places?
(3) For arbitrary but unknown c > 0, after how many terms are we
guaranteed that Xn is within c of L?