
(jair2018) #1
214 6. Amenable Traces

Exercise 6.1.6. Let tr be the unique tracial state on Mn(C). Show that
the product map

arising from the left and right regular representations, is an isomorphism.
Exercise 6.1. 7. Show that if rp: A----+ Bis u.c.p., then it is still u.c.p. when
regarded as a map of opposite algebras.
Exercise 6.1.8. Show that if A is nuclear (resp. exact), then A^0 P is nuclear
(resp. exact).

6.2. Amenable traces

In 1975 Alain Connes proved a remarkable theorem which nearly completed
the classification of injective factors with separable predual (cf. [41] - the
one case not covered took a decade, and Uffe Haagerup, to resolve [79]).
Connes's proof was a typical display of deep insight combined with re-
markable technical strength and, in our opinion, ranks among the greatest
achievements in the history of operator algebras. In this section we will ex-
plore one of the ingredients that went into the proof. The main conceptual
idea is that certain traces on C* -algebras are analogous to invariant means
on groups. When viewed this way, some ideas from the theory of amenable
groups can be translated into a more general operator algebraic framework.
Unfortunately having the proper insight is only half of the battle; the
proofs are still very technical and delicate. The main result of this section,
Theorem 6.2.7, is essentially due to Connes in the unique trace case and
Kirchberg in general. We have taken the quickest, most direct route (that
we are aware of) to this result, postponing motivation and examples until
the next section. For some it will be more palatable to skip ahead, take in
the conceptual landscape and then come back for the gory details.
Definition 6.2.1. Let A c lB(H) be a concretely represented unital C*-
algebra. A state T on A is called an amenable trace^3 if there exists a state
rp on JB(H) such that (1) 1PIA = T and (2) rp(uTu*) = rp(T) for every unitary
u EA and TE JB(H).^4

Note that an amenable trace really is tracial. Indeed, if T E JB(H) is
arbitrary and u E A is a unitary, then
rp(Tu) = rp(u(Tu)u*) = rp(uT).

(^3) Beware: Lots of different terminology can be found in the literature. Also, one can extend
the notion to nonunital algebras, but we'll have no need for this.
(^4) The state cp is sometimes called a "hypertrace" or an "A-central state."

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