
(jair2018) #1
8.2. Cones over exact RFD algebras 267

8.2. Cones over exact RFD algebras

A few more fairly simple facts and we'll be able to AF embed the cone
over an exact RFD algebra. The first step is to observe the existence of
(i, c )-admissible representations.
Proposition 8.2.1. Let A be exact and residually finite-dimensional. For
each finite set i CA and c > 0 there exists an (i, c)-admissible representa-
tion CT : A ---+ Mk ( C).

Proof. This is an immediate consequence of Corollary 7.5.8 since there is
only one way to put a matrix algebra (unitally) inside of IIB('H). D

We now list, without proof, two trivial facts which are important below.
Lemma 8.2.2. Let CT: A ---+ Mk(C) be an (i, c)-admissible representation
and 7r: A---+ MN(C) be any other representation. Then CT EB 7r is also (i, c)-
Lemma 8.2.3. Let CA denote the unitization of the cone over some C*-
algebra A. Any two unital *-representations of CA on the same Hilbert space
are homotopic.
Theorem 8.2.4 (Dadarlat). Let A be a separable exact residually finite-
dimensional C* -algebra. Then the cone over A is AF embeddable.^1

Proof. The proof amounts to reviewing everything we have done so far.
Let CA be the unitization of the cone over A and in C CA be an in-
creasing sequence of finite subsets whose union has dense linear span. Let
En= 2 1;. and let Pn: CA---+ Mk(n)(C) be a sequence of (in,cn)-admissible
representations. Note that the Pn's are automatically asymptotically iso-
We now mimic the proof of Proposition 8.1.3 to construct a sequence
of finite-dimensional C*-algebras Bi, injective *-homomorphisms 7ri: Bi ---+
Bi+l and *-homomorphisms CTi: CA---+ Bi such that each CTi contains Pi as
a direct summand and
L llCTi+i(a) -1fi o CTi(a)ll < oo

for every a E LJ in· As before, this will imply AF embeddability.

lone can even embed it into the UHF algebra of type 200 , but we won't prove this. (Our
construction only gives a UHF embedding.) It requires a bit more work, keeping in mind that
the unitized cone has a one-dimensional representation that can be used to modify dimension -
i.e., increase the dimension of a given representation by taking direct sums with one-dimensional
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