
(jair2018) #1
448 A. Ultrafi.lters and Ultraproducts

Lemma A.9. The ultraproduct Mw is a von Neumann algebra and the
faithful tracial state rw is normal.

Proof. We prove that Mw coincides with the von Neumann algebra gen-
erated by the GNS representation associated with rw. It suffices to show
that the closed unit ball n of Mw is complete in the 2-norm - i.e., any
Cauchy sequence {xSk)}~ 1 in (n, 11112) is convergent. We may assume that
llxg:+l) - xg:) 112 < 2-k for every k. ·
Claim. Let k EN and suppose that (x~k))n E TIM is a lifting of xg:) with
ll(x~k))nll :::; 1. Then, we can find a lifting (x~k+l))n E TIM of xg:+l) such

that II (x~+l))nll :::; 1 and llx~+l) - x~) 112 < 2-k for all n.

Indeed, let (x~k+l))n E IT M be any lifting of xg:+l) with II (x~k+l))nll :::;

  1. Then, we have { n E N : llx~k+l) - x~k) 112 < 2-k} E w. Hence, we can
    replace x~k+l) with x~k) for all n outside of the above set, without affecting
    Xw (k+l).
    Now, we inductively choose liftings (x~k))n E IT M of xg:) as in the claim.
    Then, for Xw = (x~n))n---+w E Mw, one immediately checks that
    llxw - xSk) 112 = n---+w lim llx~n) - x~k) 112 :::; '"°' D 2-n = 2-(k-l).

Hence the sequence {xSk)}~ 1 converges to Xw.

Exercise A.1. Prove Theorem A.8.


Exercise A.2. Using Theorem A.8, give a three line proof of Tychonoff's
theorem: The product of compact spaces is compact.

Exercise A.3. Check that £^00 (1) 3 f 1-+ limi---+U f(i) E CC is a character for
every ultrafilter U on I.

Exercise A.4. Prove that every projection e E Mw lifts to a projection
(en)n E IT M such that limn---+w r(en) = rw(e).

Exercise A.5. Prove that if Mis a factor (of type II 1 ), then so is Mw.
(Hint: Use the previous exercise.)

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