
(jair2018) #1

486 F. Bimodules over van Neumann Algebras

may assume that uo = f o = f. Then, for every unitary element w E B, we
L llEA(viwvo)ll~ ~ L llv*vEe(viwvo)ll~
i i
= L llv*vEe(v*v)e(uiwuo)ll~
= L llEe(v*v)v*uiwuovll~
= L T(v*u 0 w*uivEe(v*v)2v*uiwuov)
= L T(u 0 w*uiuiwuovE 0 (v*v)^2 v*)
= L T(vEe(v*v)^2 v*)
= T(Ee(v*v)^3 ).
Since I:i llvi'll~ :::; 1 and llEA(v;'wvo)ll2 :::; llvi'lb we can choose a finite
subset i of {Vi} such that

L llEA(v;'wvo)ll~ ~ T(Ee(v*v)^3 )/2 > 0
for all unitary elements w in B. This completes the proof. D
Definition F.13. Let A c M and B c pMp be finite van Neumann al-
gebras. We say B embeds in A inside M if one of (and hence all of) the
conditions in Theorem F.12 holds.

Nate that if there is a nonzero projection Po E B such that poBPo embeds
in A inside JYI, then B embeds in A inside M (as condition (4) in Theorem
F.12 evidently implies). Recall that a (nonzero) projection f EB is minimal
if and only if f Bf= <Cf, and a van Neumann algebra Bis diffuse if it has
no minimal projections.
Corollary F.14. Let M be a finite van Neumann algebra with separable
predual and (An) be a sequence of van Neumann subalgebras. Let NC pMp
be a van Neumann subalgebra such that N does not embed in An inside M
for any n. Then, there exists a diffuse abelian van Neumann subalgebra
BC N such that B does not embed in An inside M for any n.

Proof. We may assume that each Ak appears infinitely often in the sequence
(An). Let { Xn} be a 11 II 2-norm dense sequence in the closed unit ball of
M. We will construct an increasing sequence B 1 c B 2 c · · · of finite-
dimensional abelian van Neumann subalgebras of N with unitary elements
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