3.3. The spatial and maximal C*-norms 75
Rearranging terms, we get
((LSi0Ti)v0e,w0'1J) = L:\si0Ti(v0e),w0'1J)
i i
= L:\Siv,w)(Tie,'IJ)
= ((L(Tie, 'IJ)Si)v, w).
Since this holds for all v,w E 1-l, it follows that the operator L,i(Tie,'IJ)Si E
JE(J-l) is zero and hence, by linear independence, that each of the coefficients
(Tie, '17) is zero. Since this holds for all e, 'IJ E JC, it follows that 0 =Ti E JE(JC)
for all i, and the proof is complete. D
Corollary 3.3.10. For each x EA 0 B, if llxllmin = 0, then x = 0.
Proof. If 7r: A ---t JE(J-l) and O": B ---t JE(JC) are faithful representations,
then, by Proposition 3.1.12, the tensor product map
7r 0 O": A 0 B ---t JE(J-l) 0 lE(JC)
is also injective. Together with the previous lemma this implies the result.
We now resolve the second technical question.
Proposition 3.3.11. The spatial tensor product norm is independent of the
choices of faithful representations 7r: A ---t JE(J-l) and O": B ---t JE(JC).
Proof. For the moment we will let II· ll~i:) denote the minimal norm with
respect to 7r and O". Evidently it suffices to prove that if 0"^1 : B ---t JE(JC') is
another faithful representation, then II ·II~:) = II ·II~:').
For notational reasons it is slightly more convenient to give the proof
in the separable setting. It is a simple exercise to net-ify the argument and
deduce the general case. Let P1 :::; P2 :::; · · · be finite-rank projections in
JE(J-l) such that Pn has rank n and llPn(h) - hll ---t 0 for all h E 1-l. Then it
is not hard to show that for every X E JE(J-l 0 JC) we have
llXll = sup{ll(Pn 0 lJC)X(Pn 0 lJC)ll}.
Thus, if L, ai 0 bi E A 0 B is arbitrary, we have
II Lai 0 bill~i:) =sup{ II L(Pn7r(ai)Pn) 0 O"(bi)ll}