
(jair2018) #1
250 Ordinary Differential Equations

The following three MAPLE statements calculate and print the general
solution of the differential equation, DE2, using the Laplace transform method
without displaying the results of any intermediate steps.
DE2:=diff(y(x), x$2)+diff(y(x), x) - 2 * y(x) = x /\ 2 - l;

dsolve( {DE2, y(O) =A, D(y)(O) = B}, y(x), method=laplace);

5.3 Convolution and the Laplace Transform

One can often write a function H(s) as the product of two functions F(s)
and G(s) in such a way that both F(s) and G(s) are the Laplace transforms
of known functions, say f(x) and g(x), respectively. That is, one sometimes
encounters the situation in which H(s) = F(s)G(s), where F(s) = .C[f(x)]
and G(s) = .C[g(x)]. Hence, H(s) = .C[f(x)].C[g(x)]. Momentarily, we might
expect that H(s) = .C[f(x)].C[g(x)] = .C[f(x)g(x)]. Stated verbally, we might
anticipate that the Laplace transform distributes over the multiplication of
two functions. However, we know from calculus that, in general, the integral
of the product of two functions is not equal to the product of the integrals of
the two functions. And since the Laplace transform is defined in terms of an
integral, we should not expect the Laplace transform to distribute over the
multiplication of functions. The following example illustrates that, in general,

.C[f(x)].C[g(x)]-/= .C[f(x)g(x)].

Let f(x) = x and let g(x) =ex. Then



1 1
.C[f(x)].C[g(x)] = .C[x].C[ex] = 2 -
s s - 1

.C[f(x)g(x)] = .C[xex] = ( ) 2.
s- 1

.C[f(x)].C[g(x)]-/= .C[f(x)g(x)] for any reals.

Two questions should immediately come to mind: "Is there any function
h(x) such that .C[h(x)] = H(s) = .C[f(x)].C[g(x)]?" and "If so, how is h(x)
related to f(x) and g(x)?" We shall now answer these two questions.

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