
(jair2018) #1

280 Ordinary Differential Equations

Substituting i = dq/dt = q' into equation (6), we find that the charge on the
capacitor, q, satisfies the differential equation

(7) Lq" + Rq' + ~ = E(t).

Appropriate initial conditions are

(8) q(O) = qo and q' (0) = i(O) = io.

That is, appropriate initial conditions at some time t = 0 are the initial charge

on the capacitor, q 0 , and the initial current flowing in the system, io.

Differentiating equation (6) with respect to t and substituting i = dq/ dt =

q', we see the current, i, satisfies the second order linear differential equation

(9) Li"+ Ri' + .!:_ c = E' (t).

Appropriate initial conditions for this problem are to specify the initial cur-
rent, i 0 , and the initial rate of change of the current, i 0 , at some time t = 0.
That is, appropriate initial conditions are

(10) i(O) = io and i'(O) = i~.

The initial current, i 0 , flowing in the circuit and the initial charge, qo, on
the capacitor are physically measurable quantities. But i 0 is not a physically

measurable quantity. However , if at t = 0 we measure io, qo, and Eo =

E(O), then we can calculate i 0 from equation (6). Substituting t = 0 into
equation (6) and solving for i~, we find


. qo
o - io - -
i ·'(0) - io ·t - L C

Comparing equation (7) with equations (3) and (5), we discover the cor-
respondence between electrical systems and mechanical systems (the simple
pendulum and spring-mass system) displayed in Table 6.2. This correspon-
dence allows us to simulate (model) mechanical systems, such as airplane
wings and suspension bridges- systems which would be expensive to actually
construct- by electrical systems- systems which are relatively inexpensive
to construct. By measuring quantities such as capacitance, inductance, resis-
tance, current, and voltage, we can determine the response of the approximat-
ing electrical system and can thereby infer the response of the hypothetical
mechanical system.

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