336 Ordinary Differential Equations
DEFINITION Size of a Matrix
If the matrix A h as m rows and n columns, we will write A is an m x n
matrix- where m x n is read "m by n." We also say A has size m x n.
For our purposes the elements or entries of a matrix will be real numbers,
complex numbers, or functions. An element of an m x n matrix A which is
in the ith row and jth column is denoted by aij· Hence, the matrix A may
b e represented in any one of the following three equivalent ways.
The 2 x 3 matrix
B = -5i
is called a constant matrix because each entry is a constant.
A square matrix is a matrix wit h the same number of rows as columns
( m = n). The square, 2 x 2 matrix
c = ( 1
in which each element is a function of x is often written as C(x) to indicate
that the entries of t he matrix a re functions. A column vector is am x 1
matrix and a row vector is a 1 x n matrix. We will denote a column vector
wit h a bold-faced, lowercase letter such as a , b , c , .... The 3 x 1 matrix
is an example of a constant column vector. And the 2 x 1 matrix
d(x) = (3x -1)
is an example of a column vector whose entries are functions.