
(jair2018) #1
Applications of Systems of Equations 415

The results for initial arms expenditures which li e in region IV are similar
to the results for expenditures which lie in region II. A runaway arms race,
a stable arms race, or mutual disarmament may occur depending on where
(xo, Yo) lies within region IV.


  1. Perform an analysis for case 1 b. similar to the analysis performed in the
    text for case la. What type of arms race results in this case?

  2. Perform an analysis for case 2a. That is , perform an analysis for Richard-

son's arms race model when r < 0, s < 0 and the slope of line L 1 is

greater than the slope of L2 ( C /A > B / D). In what quadrant does the

equilibrium point (x*, y*) li e? How many distinct regions are there to
consider in the first quadrant? Draw an appropriate figure and construct
a table to aid you in performing your analysis. (Figure 10.3 includes an
appropriate figure and table for case 2b.) What kinds of arms races can
occur in this instance?

  1. Perform an analysis for Richardson's arms race model for r > 0, s > 0

a. C /A > B / D (the slope of line L 1 is greater than the slope of line


b. C /A < B / D (the slope of line L1 is less than the slope of line L2.)

In each case, answer the following questions:
(i) Where is the equilibrium point?
(ii) What kinds of arms races can occur?

4. Perform an analysis for Richardson's arms race model for r < 0, s > 0


a. C/A > B/D and b. C/A < B/D.

Answer the following questions:
(i) Where is the equilibrium point?
(ii) What kinds of arms races can occur?

  1. Using the results given in the text and the results of exercises 1-4
    complete the following table by entering the type of arms race that

may occur in each case. (md =mutual disarmament, sar =stable arms

race, rar =runaway arms race)
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