
(jair2018) #1
Applications of Systems of Equations

  1. Consider the nonlinear arms race model


dx 2
dt = 9y-x - 9

dy 2

- = 4x-y - 8.


a. Find the critical points in the first quadrant.


b. Write the associated linear systems and determine the stability char-
acteristics of each critical point. What can you conclude about the
stability of the nonlinear system (11) at each critical point?

c. Use PORTRAIT to solve the system initial value problems consisting
of (11) and the following seven initial conditions on the interval [O, 2]:

(i) x(O) = 1, y(O) = 1; (ii) x(O) = 2, y(O) = 3; (iii) x(O) = 4, y(O) = O;

(iv) x(O) = 4, y(O) = 3; (v) x(O) = 4, y(O) = 5; (vi) x(O) = 6, y(O) = 3;

(vii) x(O) = 6, y(O) = 6.

Display the phase-plane graph of y versus x on the rectangle with 0 :::;
x :::; 10 and 0 :::; y :::; 10.

  1. Consider the following modification of Richardson's arms race model


  • =Ay-Cx+r

  • = Bx-Dy^2 +s
    where A, B, C , and D are positive real constants and r and s are real
    constants. Here each nation's fear of the other nation is modelled as
    being proportional to the amount the other nation spends annually for
    arms. The resistance of the first nation's people to increased spending for
    arms is modelled as being proportional to the amount spent yearly for
    arms, while the resistance of the second nation's people to increased spend-
    ing for arms is modelled as being proportional to the square of the amount
    spent yearly for arms.

a. What is the graph of Ay - Cx + r = O? What is the graph of

Bx - Dy^2 + s = O? How many critical points can system (12) have?
What is the maximum number of critical points system (12) can have
in the first quadrant?

b. Write a single equation which the x-coordinate of a critical point must
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