
(jair2018) #1

476 Ordinary Differential Equations


  1. Consider the epidemic model


dS = -.OlSI



- = .OlSI -3I


dR = 3I


a. Calculate the relative removal rate for this model.
b. Use SOLVESYS or your computer software to solve system (7) on the
interval [O, 5] where t is in days for the initial conditions:

(i) So = 300 , Io = 10 , Ro = 0 (ii) So = 500 , Io = 10, Ro = 0

In each case, display S, I, and Ron a single graph and display a phase-plane

graph of I versus S.

c. From the solution or phase-plane graph of I versus S for system (7) for
the initial conditions (i) and (ii), estimate the remaining number of suscepti-

bles at the end of the epidemic. That is, estimate S= = limt-+= S(t) which

is approximately S(5) and verify that S= satisfies equation (5).

  1. Suppose when an epidemic begins medical personnel inoculate members
    of the susceptible group at a rate a which is proportional to the number of

susceptibles. Then at each instant in time aS individuals are subtracted from

the susceptible group and added to the removed group. So one model for an
epidemic with inoculation is

dt = - {3SI - aS

dt = {3SI-rI


di= rI + aS

where a, {3, and r are positive constants.

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