
(jair2018) #1
CSODE User's Guide 501

iii POLYRTS J!il[!Jf!I
POLYRTS finds all zeros of a polynomial with complex coefficients of degree N where 1 <= N <= 1 O
Enter the degree of the polynomial N = j ll>.fter you have entered lhe value of N, press lhe Enter key.)

Figure A.2 Inputing the Degree of the Polynomial

Since the degree of the polynomial we wish to solve is four, we enter 4 in
the highlighted box after "N = " and press the Enter key. The screen shown
in Figure A.3 then appears.

iii POLYRTS l!!il!JEJ
POLYRTS finds all zeros of a polynomial with complex coefficients of degree N where 1 <= N <= 10
Enter the degree ol the polynomial N = [4 (Alter you have entered lhe value of N, press lhe Enter key.)

•• 4
•• 3
•• 2
x' 1

!Enter non-zero coefficients.)
Real Part Imaginary Part


Figure A.3 Screen Prior to Entering Coefficients
of Fourth Degree Polynomial

Since the coefficient of x^4 in the polynomial is 2, we enter 2 in the coef-
ficient real part box for x'4. Then we enter - 3 in the coefficient real part

box for x'3, -13 in the coefficient real part box for x'2, 37 in the coefficient

real part box for x'l, and -15 in the coefficient real part box for x·o. After
making sure we have entered the values correctly, we click on the VERIFY
COEFFICIENTS/CALCULATE ROOTS button. This causes a Please Con-
firm yes/no box to appear. We clicked yes, since the coefficients were entered
correctly. This causes the screen shown in Figure A.4 to appear on the mon-

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