
(jair2018) #1

532 Ordinary Differential Equations

.. PORTRAIT 1!!1001£3
Enter lh'n~yttem definin'g functions Fl. F2 Enter the number of initial value problems to :solve
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For antl<the each initial initial conditions value problem dl i and i. enter d2i. the interval'of integration rai. bi]. the initial value ci.
;.. ai• bi.. ci• dli"' d2i ...

Figure B.6 Phase-Plane Graph of Y2 versus Y1 for
System IVPs (3)(i) and (3)(ii)

The following example illustrates how to use the RERUN current IVP op-
tion of PORTRAIT to generate a visually informative phase-plane graph.

EXAMPLE Producing a Phase-Plane Portrait

Use PORTRAIT to produce a phase-pla ne portrait of the system



dx 2
dt = 3y-2x - 1


8x -y^2 - 7

To find the critical points of system ( 4), we set the right-hand side of both
components of (4) equal to zero. That is , to find the critical points of (4), we
simultaneously solve the following system
3y-2x^2 - 1 = 0

8x -y^2 - 7 = 0

Solving the first equation in (5) for y , we find
2 2 1
(6) y = -x + -.
3 3
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