Fig. 2.4
and the left half-plane P 2 as the set of points z such that
Chapter 2-
In fact, for z E P 1 the oriented angle a from the positive direction of
line L to the vector z - a is negative and greater than -7f i.e., -7f <
Arg(z - a)/b < 0. Hence (2.4-16) holds.
Similarly, for z E P 2 the oriented angle /3 from the positive direction of
L to the vector z -a is positive and less than 7f, i.e., 0 < Arg( z -a)/ b < 7f.
Hence (2.4-17) holds. Of course, for points z on the line L, we have z =
a+ bt, o:r (z - a)/b = t (a real number). Hence
Im z-a =0
for z EL (2.4-18)
If z = a' + b' r is another representation of the same oriented line L,
we must have
a' - a= μb and b' = >.b
where μ and >. are real and ).. > 0. Hence for z fi L we have
z ~'a' = z - ~; μb = ~ ( z ~ a _ μ)
so that
z -a' 1 z - a
Im--= -lm--
b' ).. b
which shows that lm(z-a')/b' and Im(z-a)/b have the same sign. There-
fore, the foregoing characterizations of P 1 and P 2 are independent of the
parametric representation of L as long as the orientation determined on
L remains the same.