
(jair2018) #1
Differentiation 361

one-to-one in some neighborhood of every point of A'. Hence f: A -t f(A)
is not one-to-one either.
The condition lfzl = lfzl # 0 implies that J = UxVy - UyVx = 0 and
If z 12 = i-( u; + u; + v; + v;) # 0 in A', so that at least one of the partial
derivatives in the preceding parentheses must be different from zero at each
point of A' (not necessarily the same partial derivative at different points).
Suppose that Uy ( x 0 , Yo) # 0 and that all the partials are continuous in

N 0 ((x 0 ,yo)) CA' for some 8 > 0. Then, by a well-known theorem ([131],

p. 58) there exists a function 'ljJ and a positive number 81 :::; 8 such that
v = 'l/;(u) for all (x,y) in N 0 1((xo,Yo)). Hence N 0 1((x 0 ,y 0 )) is mapped by

f into the set {(u,v): v = 'lj;(u)}.

Remark If we assume that v = 'lj;(u), 'ljJ differentiable, in some region

A" C A, we have f(z) = u + i'lj;(u), and

so that

fz = %(ux - iuy)[l + i'l/;'(u)]
fz = %(ux + iuy)[l + i'lj;'(u)]

lfzl^2 = lfzl^2 =^1 /iu~ + u~)[l + 1/J'(u)^2 ]

Hence lfzl = lfzl # 0 at every point of A" except at points such that

Ux =Uy = O, in which case lfzl = lfzl = 0. If the condition Ux = Uy = 0

holds in some subregion of A", then f(z) = c in that subregion.


1. Let w = Az + Bz + C for all z EC. In this example we have fz =A,

fz =Band 'T/l = "12 = 0 at every point. Hence, if IAI = IBI # 0 the

mapping defined by this function is not one-to-one. In fact, w = Az +

Bz+C maps the z-plane into the straight line Aw-Bw+BC-AC = 0.

If IAI = IBI = 0 the function reduces to a constant.

2. Let w = f(z) = (az+bz)/(cz+dz) for all z E C-{0}, with ad-be# O,

lei # ldl. In this case we have


f z = (CZ+ dz)^2 '

so that lfzl = lf.zl f; 0 in C - {O}.
complex plane into the circle

fz = (be - ad)z
This function maps the deleted

(cc - dd)ww + (bd - ac)w + (bd - ac)w + aa - bb = O
(see Exercises 6.2, problem 10).

  1. Let w = f(z) = z/(1 + lzl). We have
    1+%1zl %1zl

lfzl = (l + lzl)2' lfzl = (1 + lzl)2
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