Differentiation 373
(^0 1) = 1/ 2 (A rgfz -Arg f z ) -^1 2 Arccos lf:zl lfzl +^1 27r
1 1 lf:zl 1
02 = 2"(Argfz-Argfz)+ 2Arccos lfzl + 271"
The angle 7f;1 can also be determined from
sm. ( w - ·'· 'f'l ) = If If: z I I
and the angle 'lj; 2 from
sm. (·'· '!-'2 -w ) = lfzl lf:zl
Clearly, 'lj; decreases when f~(z) describes the open arc T 2 BT 1 , and increases
when f~(z) describes the open arc T 1 AT 2 •
For J i- 0 we have
~ ( d'lj;) = -J 2p(dp/d0)
dO dO p4
and using (6.16-5), we get
d^2 'lj; = -J (G - E) sin20 + 2F cos 0
d02 p4
( G - E) sin 20 + 2F cos 20 = 0 (6.17-4)
is the condition for extrema of d'lj;/dO (regardless of the sign of J).
Equation (6.17-4) gives
tan20 = --
whenever E i-G, and cos 20 = 0 if E = G, F i-0. Formula (6.17-5) is
the same as ( 6 .16-7). Hence the directions determined by ( 6 .1 7 -5) are the
principal directions, i.e., those corresponding to the endpoints A and B of
the diameter of the Kasner circle that contains the origin.