
(jair2018) #1

vi Preface

I am especially grateful to my brother Luis R. Gonzalez for his expertise
in computer programming which made possible the accurate construction
of a number of figures, as well as the elaboration of a table o{the generalized
tangent function to be found in the Appendix to the companion volume
Complex Analysis: Selected Topics (Marcel Dekker, Inc., referred to as
Selected Topics).
Also, I acknowledge with gratitude the assistance of my former graduate
students and friends Drs. Jerrald Abercrombie, Joseph Cabri, Barbara F.
Chambers, Christofer Horsfield, Lola Kiser, Elena Medina Wilson, Gaston
Smith, and Sarah Williams, who read one or more chapters and made a
number of valuable suggestions.
Many thanks are also due to the staff of Marcel Dekker, Inc., in par-
ticular, to Ms. Maria Allegra and to Mr. Andrew Berin. With patience,
understanding, and competence they aided me considerably during the
preparation of this book for the press.

Mario 0. Gonzalez
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