
(jair2018) #1

750 Chapter9



Theorem 9.23 If the nonconstant function f is analytic at z = a, then

in some neighborhood N6(a), f(z) assumes every value bin a sufficiently

small neighborhood of J(a).

Proof The function F(z) = f(z)-f(a) is analytic at a and has a zero at a
of order m ~ 1. Since F( z) does not vanish identically in a neighborhood
of a, the zero z = a is isolated. Thus we can choose a disk lz - al ::; 8 in
which a is the only zero of F(z), and on which F(z) is analytic (Fig. 9.33)
Let -y: lz - al = 8 and e = minze-y IF(z)I. Since F(z) -.:/: 0 for z E -y, we

have e > 0. Consider the neighborhood Ne(f(a)), and let b be any point

in this neighborhood, i.e., such that

IJ(a)-bl <-e

If we set g(z) = J(a) - b, then

lg(z)I < IF(z)I

for z E -y, smce

IJ(a) - bl< e =min zE-y IF(z)I::; IF(z)I

By Rouche's theorem, F(z) and F(z)+g(z) = f(z)-J(a)+ J(a)-b = f(z)-

b have the same number of zeros inside -y, namely m. Hence f(z) - b = 0,
or f(z) = b for m values or z in N 0 (a).

Remark If m = 1, there is just one value of z such that f(z) = b. If

m > 1, with a suitable choice of 8 it can be asserted that the value b is

attained at m distinct points z in N 0 (a). In fact, in this case f'(z) has at a
a zero of order m - l and it is not identically zero in a deleted neighborhood
of a. Hence there is a closed disk lz - al ::; 81 such that neither f nor f'

y v

0 x (^0) u
Fig. 9.33

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