(tintolacademy) #1
[Ibadan Journal of Sociology, June, 2019, 9 ]
[© 2014-2019 Ibadan Journal of Sociology]


Differential Treatments of Prison Inmates and Implications on
Nigerian Criminal Justice System

Department of Sociology, Olabisi Onabanjo University
P.O. Box, 2002, Ago Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria
Email: [email protected]


In recent years, series of protests have broken out from various prisons
across Nigeria as fallout of differential treatments of prisoners and poor
condition of correctional facilities. Questions have been raised about the
rationality of the disparate treatment of inmates along socioeconomic
lines. This present study examined the reported segregation of inmates
within the context of the correctional good of prison system. From the
inductive analysis of 49 qualitative interviews with ex-inmates of prisons,
prison officials and legal practitioners, a pattern of unofficial
discrimination of prisoners along socioeconomic lines emerged. Findings
reveal that selection of inmates for disparate treatment is corruption-
laden. It is submitted that in order to progressively realise and improve
the administration of justice and the prison system in Nigeria, the
government and other stakeholders should review reports of panel of
inquiry into the country’s prison system, establish prison - reporting
scheme for inmates, and rehabilitate prison facilities.

Keywords: Differential Treatment, Inmates, Nigeria Criminal Justice
System, Segregation, Very Important Prisoners

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