(tintolacademy) #1
[Ibadan Journal of Sociology, June, 2019, 9 ]
[© 2014-2019 Ibadan Journal of Sociology]


the 2016/17 survey. The analysis of this study was restricted to births in the
last five years of the survey in order to ensure that maternal characteristics
relate to current situation of things. Women’s sampling weight was applied
to correct for over or under sampling of the analytical sample. A weighted
total of 3,709 live births were specifically used for the analysis of this study.

In this study, the dependent variable is U5M measured by the
question (BH5) on ‘child still alive’ - yes (1) or no (0). This variable was
used to calculate direct estimate of U5MR among the urban poor in Nigeria
from the MICS- 2016 - 17 dataset. The main independent variable is maternal
education, measured by the highest level of education. Other independent
variables included in the study are indicated in Table 1 with their values.

Analysis of data involved descriptive statistics and logistics
regression. The descriptive statistics include the use of percentage
distribution tables and computation of direct estimate of U5M across
different social, economic and demographic groups. Simple percentage was
used to present the distribution of socio-demographic variables of urban
poor. Direct estimate was based on the proportion of children who died
within five years of birth per 1000 reported live births.

The logistic regression, on the other hand, was used to examine the
effect of maternal education on U5M in order to establish a causal influence
between different background variables of mothers and U5M among urban
poor. The results of the logistic regression analysis were presented by odds
ratios (OR) at p-value less than 0.05. A significant odds ratio that is greater
than one implies that the group has higher chance of deaths than the
reference category.

Table 1: Selected background variables and values
Variables Values in the group (Nigeria
MICS 2016/17)
Maternal highest

None/No formal,Primary,
Secondary and above
Maternal current age 15 - 19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-
39, 40 and above
Birth order 1, 2-3, 4-6 and 7+
Region North East, North Central, North West,
South East, South South, South West
Main drinking water Basic improved: Improved source not
more than 30 minutes for a round trip
(such as piped water-piped into dwelling,
other protected spring, protected dug well,
piped into yard/plot, tube-well/borehole,

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