(tintolacademy) #1
[Ibadan Journal of Sociology, June, 2019, 9 ]
[© 2014-2019 Ibadan Journal of Sociology]


U5M in Nigeria, those without formal education experienced higher
proportions of under-five deaths except those in the South West. This
implies that the location of children especially by geopolitical regions is a
strong factor in U5M in Nigeria.

Table 3: U5MR by maternal education among urban poor in Geopolitical
regions of Nigeria

U5MR for
urban poor None^ Primary^ Secondary +^

North Central 94 155 45 65
North East 77 86 56 68
North West 93 111 79 52
South East 71 333 48 66
South South 67 103 55
SouthWest 80 20 110 75
Influence of Maternal Education on U5M among Urban Poor in Nigeria

Table 3 presents the results of the logistic regression showing the
influence of maternal education on U5M among urban poor by background
characteristics. This is represented by the odds of experiencing under-five
deaths by each category of background characteristics among urban poor in
Nigeria. The Table reveals that the odds of U5M among the urban poor with
no formal education in the North East is 8.3 times significantly higher than
those in the North Central Nigeria. This is by implication suggesting that
while the likelihood of those without formal education in the North East are
more likely to experience U5M than those in the North Central, the
likelihood of those with secondary education and above in the South East
are 0.4 times less likely to experience U5M when compared to those in the
North Central Nigeria.

Table 3: Odds of U5M among urban poor in Nigeria

Characteristics Maternal Education^ ALL urban poor
None Primary Secondary +
Geopolitical region
North Central (ref.) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
North East 8.280 0.463 0.851 0.706
North West 3.460 0.570 0.712 0.806
South East 4.205 1.787 0.394
South South NA 0.601 0.854 0.760
South West 7.065 0.996 0.739 1.026

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