(tintolacademy) #1
[Ibadan Journal of Sociology, June, 2019, 9 ]
[© 2014-2019 Ibadan Journal of Sociology]


the death of these children to be futile. There is continued and widened gap
between two groups of urban dwellers (poor and non-poor) that demands
necessary data to be gathered in order to know the extent of the disparity
between this two distinct and imbalance sub-groups. The acquired
aggregated data will help policy makers to know where to channel most of
their energy and resources to putting an end to the death of under-five
children all over the world. In achieving any meaningful result in this aspect
of human lives, maternal education has been recognized and observed to be
the best driving tool to the needed socioeconomic development that can be
used to mitigate the menace of under-five mortality in Nigeria. Therefore,
efforts that will promote women empowerment and maternal education
should be put in place by policy makers. These may include providing more
enabling environment that will support girl child education at all levels
through incentives.

The authors appreciate UNICEF MIC Team for the permission to download
and use Nigeria MICS - 2016 - 17 dataset for this study.

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