American Art Collector - USA (2019-12)

(Antfer) #1



12/1-12/30 Chicago, IL


hroughout the month of December,
galleries around the country often host
group exhibitions for their roster of artists
just in time for the holiday giving season.
Lotton Gallery in Chicago is no different,
with its upcoming show displaying new
paintings from some of its much-loved
artists. Available for collectors will be still
lifes and wildlife works to pieces with figures
and landscapes, allowing them to fill gaps in
their collections or search out new desires.
Included in the show will be two new
paintings by Yana Movchan, Bunnies in

the Garden and Ralph, which are different
from her intricate floral still lifes that she
has become recognized for over the years.
Instead, these two paintings place animals
in front of flower gardens—Bunnies in the
Garden shows a trio of rabbits, while Ralph
is a portrait of a dog and a bird. Both pieces
still highlight Movchan’s signature artistic
style of bold colors and high details.
Another artist depicting animals in her
work is Mary Alayne Thomas, who uses
the classic encaustic medium. Among her
latest pieces is The Wind in the Peonies,

which shows a hare with a butterfly on
one of its ears surrounded by peonies.
“This summer, I spent far too many hours
in contemplation of my garden. It brings
new revelations on a daily basis, and an
endless supply of peace,” she says. “As I’ve
experienced the growing precariousness of
the natural world around me, I find myself
drawn to creating paintings that express
how necessary our bond with nature is
to our daily lives. With The Wind in the
Peonies, I want to portray the importance
of connecting with another to preserve the

Winter Showcase

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