American Art Collector - USA (2019-12)

(Antfer) #1



Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay
My, oh, my, what a wonderful day
Plenty of sunshine headin’ my way
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay!
Mister Bluebird’s on my shoulder
It’s the truth, it’s “actch’ll”
Everything is “satisfactch’ll”

The last two lines in the song sung
by the freed slave Uncle Remus, give an
inkling as to why the film has not been
seen since 1986 after protests about its
racist stereotypes. 
Conor Walton’s 6-foot allegorical
painting The New Religion approaches
stereotypes head on. He honors the work
of the Renaissance painter Giovanni
Bellini (1430-1516) in a work that might at
first glance appear to be a contemporary
version of one Bellini’s great altarpieces.
Yet at the center in place of the infant

Jesus is an infant chimpanzee with its hand
raised in blessing. He says, “My ‘saints’ are
the founders of modern biology: Charles
Darwin, the father of modern evolutionary
theory, Gregor Mendel, whose experiments
with peas laid the foundations of genetics,
and James Lovelock, the founder of
earth-systems science or ‘Gaia’ theory. My
‘martyrs’ are the victims of extinction and
ecocide. The ‘angels’ are my own children,

joyfully celebrating Nature’s glory.” And
continues, “In Bellini’s day there was no
obvious discord between science and reli-
gion. It’s that sensibility which I’m trying
to recover.”
Aware, assured and hopeful young
people around the world are forcing their
powerful elders to confront the plight
of the planet. A boy in Bryony Bensly’s
Seraphim gathers the land and the sea

“I always tell my collectors to buy what connects

with them visually and emotionally. Visually, a
painting should make you pause, no matter how often

you see it. Emotionally, the painting, the subject matter

and the story behind the purchase should always evoke

a good feeling.” — Priscilla Nelson, artist

  1. Michael Bergt, Fire and Rain, gouache/colored pencil on toned paper, 18 x 13" 4. Conor Walton, The New Religion, oil on linen, 70.8 x 47.2" 5. PoetsArtists, The Dysphoria of
    Being Here Now, acrylic and oil on linen, 24 x 18", by Grant Gilsdorf. 6. PoetsArtists, If I’m not perfect by tomorrow, oil on linen, 54 x 54", by Dianne Gall. 7. PoetsArtists, Beyond
    my eyes, oil on canvas, 55 x 78", by Yunior Hurtado Torres. 8. Richard Schmid, Jamie, oil on canvas, 36 x 30"

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