Crochet Now - UK (2019-10)

(Antfer) #1

58 |


Octagons (make 64)
Rnd 1: With MC and working into a magic
ring, 3 ch (counts as 1 htr, 1 ch), [1 htr,
1 ch] 7 times, sl st in 2nd ch of beg 3 ch
to join, 3 ch (does not count as st here
and throughout), remove hook and leave
active loop on marker at front of work.
8 sts
Rnd 2: Join CC1 with a standing tr in 2nd
1ch-sp before last st, 1 tr in same sp,
[1 ch, miss 1 st, 2 tr in 1ch-sp] 7 times,
sl st to beg tr to join, 1 ch, remove hook
and leave active loop on marker at back
of work. 16 sts
Rnd 3: Pick up MC loop, WF 1ch-sp
1 RdtrF2d, 1 ch, miss 1ch-sp and foll st,
1 htr between next 2 trs, 1 ch, miss
1 st; rep from
7 more times, sl st to beg
RdtrF2d to join, 3 ch, remove hook and
leave active loop on marker at front of
work. 16 sts
Rnd 4: Pick up CC1 loop, 2 ch (counts as
tr), WF 1ch-sp 1 RdtrF2d, 1 ch, miss htr,
WF 1ch-sp 1 RdtrF2d, WB RdtrF2d [1 tr2d,
1 ch, 1 tr2d] in 1ch-sp; rep from
7 more
times, omitting last tr, sl st in top of beg
2 ch to join, 1 ch, remove hook and leave
active loop on marker at back of work.
32 sts
Rnd 5: Pick up MC loop, WF 1ch-sp
1 RdtrF2d, 2 ch, miss 2 sts, WF 1ch-sp
3 tr2d in htr, 2 ch, miss 2 sts, WF 1ch-sp
1 RdtrF2d, 2 ch, miss 2 sts, WF 1ch-sp
[1 tr2d, 1 ch, 1 tr2d] in htr, 2 ch, miss
2 sts; rep from
3 more times, sl st to
beg RdtrF2d to join, 3 ch, remove hook
and leave active loop on st holder at
front of work. 28 sts
Rnd 6: Pick up CC1 loop, 2 ch (counts as
tr), WF 2ch-sp 1 RdtrF2d, 5 ch, miss 3
sts, WF 2ch-sp 1 RdtrF2d, WB RdtrF
[1 tr2d, 1 ch, 1 tr2d] in 1ch-sp, WF 2ch-sp
1 RdtrF2d, 1 ch, miss 1 st, WO 1ch-sp
[1 htr2d, 1 ch, 1 htr2d] in 1ch-sp, 1 ch,
miss 1 st, WF 2ch-sp 1 RdtrF2d, WB
RdtrF [1 tr2d, 1 ch, 1 tr2d] in 1ch-sp; rep
3 more times, omitting last tr, sl
st in top of beg 2 ch to join, 1 ch, remove
hook and leave active loop on marker
at back of work. 40 sts
Rnd 7: Pick up MC loop, WF 1ch-sp
1 RdtrF2d, 2 ch, miss 2 sts, WF 5ch-sp
[1 tr2d, 2 tr2d in next st, 1 tr2d], 2 ch, miss
2 sts, WF 1ch-sp 1 RdtrF2d, 2 ch, miss
2 sts, WF 1ch-sp 1 RtrF2d, 1 ch, miss 1 st,
1 htr in 1ch-sp, 1 ch, WF 1ch-sp 1 RtrF2d,
2 ch, miss 2 sts; rep from
3 more times,
sl st to beg RdtrF2d to join, 3 ch, remove

hook and leave active loop on marker at
front of work. 36 sts
Rnd 8: Pick up CC1 loop, 3 ch (counts as
dtr), *WF 2ch-sp 1 RdtrF2d, 1 tr into same
2ch-sp, 6 ch, miss 4 sts, 1 tr into 2ch-sp,
WF same 2ch-sp 1 RdtrF2d, WB RdtrF
[1 dtr2d, 1 ch, 1 dtr2d] in 1ch-sp, WF
2ch-sp 1 RdtrF2d, 1 tr in same 2ch-sp,
1 ch, miss 1 st, WF 1ch-sp [1 RtrF2d, 2 ch,
miss 1 st, 1 RtrF2d], 1 ch, miss 1 st, 1 tr in
2ch-sp, WF same 2ch-sp, 1 RdtrF2d, WB
RdtrF [1 dtr2d, 1 ch, 1 dtr2d] in 1ch-sp;
rep from * 3 more times, omitting last
dtr2d, sl st in top of beg 3 ch to join, 1 ch,
remove hook and leave active loop on
marker at back of work. 56 sts
Rnd 9: Pick up MC loop, *WF 1ch-sp
1 RdtrF2d, 3 ch, miss 3 sts, WF 6ch-sp:
2 tr2d in first tr, 2 tr2d, 2 tr2d in 4th tr,
3 ch, miss 3 sts, WF 1ch-sp 1 RdtrF2d,
3 ch, miss 3 sts, WF 1ch-sp 1 RdtrF2d,
1 ch, miss 1 st, WF 2ch-sp [1 tr2d, 1 ch,
1 tr2d] in htr, 1 ch, miss 1 st, WF 1ch-sp
1 RdtrF2d, 3 ch, miss 3 sts; rep from *
3 more times, sl st in beg RdtrF2d to join,
1 ch, remove hook and leave active loop
on marker at front of work. 48 sts
Rnd 10: Pick up CC1 loop, 2 ch (does not
count as st), *WF 3ch-sp [1 RdtrF2d,
1 RtrF2d], 1 htr, 4 dc, 1 htr, WF 3ch-sp
[1 RtrF2d, 1 RdtrF2d], 2 ch, miss 1 st, WF
3ch-sp [1 RdtrF2d, 1 RtrF2d], 1 ch, miss
1 st, WF 1ch-sp 1 RtrF2d, 1 ch, miss 1 st,
WO 1ch-sp 1 htr2d in 2ch-sp, 1 ch, miss
1 st, WF 1ch-sp 1 RtrF2d, 1 ch, miss 1 st,
WF 3ch-sp [1 RtrF2d, 1 RdtrF2d], 2 ch,
miss 1 st; rep from * 3 more times, sl st
to beg RdtrF2d to join. Fasten off CC1.
68 sts
Rnd 11: Pick up MC loop, 4 ch (counts as
1 RtrF2d, 2 ch), WF 2ch-sp 1 RtrF2d,
*miss 1 st, 8 dc, miss 1 st, WF 2ch-sp
[1 RtrF2d, 2 ch, 1 RtrF2d] around RdtrF2d,
miss 1 st, [1 RdcB, WF 1ch-sp 1 RtrF2d]
4 times, 1 RdcB, miss 1 st, WF 2ch-sp
[1 RtrF2d, 2 ch, 1 RtrF2d] around RdtrF2d;
rep from * 3 more times, omitting last
corner group, sl st to 3rd of beg 4 ch to
join. Fasten off and secure all ends. 84 sts

Squares (make 77)
Rnd 1: With CC2 and working into a magic
ring, 2 ch (counts as 1 htr), 2 htr, [1 ch,
3 htr] 3 times, 1 ch, sl st to beg 2 ch to
join. Fasten off. 12 sts
Rnd 2: Join MC with a standing htr in any
1ch-sp, [1 htr, 1 ch, 2 htr] in same sp,
*miss 1 st, 2 htr, [2 htr, 1 ch, 2 htr] in

1ch-sp, rep from * twice more, miss 1 st,
2 htr, sl st to beg htr to join. Fasten off.
24 sts
Rnd 3: Join CC2 with a standing tr in any
1ch-sp, [1 ch, 1 tr] in same sp, *6 RtrB,
[1 tr, 1 ch, 1 tr] in 1ch-sp; rep from * twice
more, 6 RtrB, sl st to beg tr to join. Fasten
off. 32 sts
Rnd 4: Join MC with a standing htr in any
1ch-sp, [2 ch, 1 htr] in same sp, *8 dc,
[1 htr, 2 ch, 1 htr] in 1ch-sp; rep from *
twice more, 8 dc, sl st to beg htr to join.
Fasten off. Weave in all ends. 40 sts

Using image as a guide, use MC to join
motifs together by holding them right sides
together and working dc through top loops
of both motifs, starting and ending each
side in 2ch-sps.

Note: each 2ch-sp (except those at the
edges of the blanket) will be worked
into twice.
Rnd 1: Join MC with a standing tr in first
unworked 2ch-sp of any corner octagon,
2 tr in same sp, 10 tr, 3 tr in next 2ch-sp,
10 tr, 1 tr4tog across last st of octagon,
each 2ch-sp, and first st of square, 9 tr,
5 tr in 2ch-sp, 9 tr, 1 tr4tog across last st
of square, each 2ch-sp, and first st
of octagon.
Cont in this way all around blanket,
working tr4tog across each internal
corner, 5 tr in 2ch-sp at point of each
square, 3 tr in the unworked 2ch-sps of
each corner octagon, and 1 tr in each st
between, join with sl st to beg tr.
Rnd 2: 1 ch (does not count as st), 1 dc,
crab st in each tr around, missing all
tr4togs, join with sl st to beg dc. Fasten
off. Weave in all ends.

James C Brett

Twinkle DK

adds a stylish

shine to

this blanket

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