
(itemelite) #1


Let's talk about surveys, and how you can use surveys to get some great
feedback about your webinar and about your product.

One of my favorite things to do after a webinar is survey the attendees.
You can survey immediately or you can survey through the
autoresponder, both buyers and prospects.

Surveys are huge in information marketing. You can collect incredible
feedback that can be used for making better products, having great
testimonials, or making future products.

There are a couple of different times I like to send surveys:

Immediately after the webinar: GoToWebinar. has an interesting feature
that lets you survey people immediately after the webinar. No one uses
it! When you exit the webinar, it pops up a survey on your desktop, and
you can either fill it out or not. However, you will get a lot of response to
this survey, because people feel obliged because you just gave them great
content. You just sat on the phone with them for over an hour.

Here's how you set it up: After you create the webinar, go to Surveys in
the drop-down link above the webinar, and click it. You can then add up
to 10 questions.

We use 4 questions:

  • Did you like the call?

  • What was your biggest take-away?

  • What can we do better?

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