
(itemelite) #1

  • 3,500 people see the webinar Sign-Up Page

  • 1,000 people actually sign up

  • 500 attendees

  • 300 are present during the Call to Action

  • Of those, a certain percentage buy:
    ◦ $97 – 30% or 90 buyers
    ◦ $197 – 15% or 45 buyers
    ◦ $497 – 4% or 12 buyers

After the webinar:

  • 910 people are emailed the replay link. Those are the people who
    did not buy.

  • 200 people click the link

  • 18 more people buy

This is how everything will shake out:

  • A Total of 108 buyers

  • 892 prospects that you can mail the additional offers to

This is assuming a $97 price point. These numbers are absolutely for
explanation only.

All in all, that means 108 buyers and 892 prospects out of 1000 people
who sign up for your webinar. This yields to a pretty interesting set of

Earnings per attendees (EPA) - Every attendee on your webinar is worth
X amount of money.

Earnings per click (EPC) - Every click going to your webinar signup
page is worth X amount of money.

EPCs and EPAs are industry-accepted metrics that you can use to get
affiliates to promote a webinar for you.

Using these numbers from the previous slide, this is how you breakdown
your earnings:

Earnings Per Click:

  • 3,500 visitors (or clicks)

  • 108 buyers X $97 price point = $10,476.00 revenue

  • $10,476 / 3,500 = $2.99 EPCs – this means for every click you
    get onto your signup page, you are going to make $2.99.

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