
(itemelite) #1


The sales copy is the most important thing on your website, because it’s actually
what is going to make you money. This part of the book is dedicated entirely to
the sales copy and writing to sell products. The idea behind it is that your
website is live 24 hours a day. You want to be able to sell a product any time,
day or night. Having well-written sales copy keeps that going.

Sales copy poses an interesting challenge. You need to actually sell something
to somebody through text, audio, or video. You can’t sell it face-to-face, so
there isn’t a language connection or facial expression to go off of. If you sell
something face-to-face, you can read body language and facial expression to see
what and how people might be thinking. You can’t do that online, which means
your copy has to be emotional and logic based.

Picture your ideal buyer. Think about what they do when they wake up, what
they have for breakfast, what kind of car they drive, how big their family is, how
much money they make, where they live, what they do for a living, and anything
else you can think of. You have to know and understand your prospect’s wants,
fears and desires. So when you think about what they want, you need to go
deeper than what they tell their spouse they want, or what they should want.
You have to ask yourself, what is it, at the core of their being, do they want? Do
they want to be free? Financially stable? To drive a Lamborghini? Find out.

When you think about their fears, what are they afraid of? Are they afraid of
being broke or disappointing someone? Think about their desires. Think about
what they want more than anything else, their deepest desires. When you know
the answers, they you’re going to be able to write proper sales copy for them.
You need to know their possible objections and pinpoint why boundaries don’t
matter. You need to speak conversationally with them and put yourself in their
situation. Imagine what their reactions will be when they read your sales copy.

You should understand that they will be looking for reasons to say no and they

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