
(itemelite) #1

You can also split test. Split testing or A/B testing is going to show that you can
get 50% or so more sales from a headline change. Split testing is where you
take two different versions of a sales letter, and split traffic to each one. It is a
very good way to know which version of your sales letter is working better due
to a headline. A useful tool for split testing is
Google also has a split testing tool called Website Optimizer. It isn’t super
reliable though. We have run tests on the results, and the metrics just don’t quite
stack up. Visual Website Optimizer is a great platform. You can set up split
tests for free, and if you want to get more versions of split testing, it’s a cheap
monthly fee.

Split testing is going to compare different pages, promotions, prices and
whatever else you want to compare, and you can actually figure out the best
price based on what is selling and where the traffic is. You can set up so that if
you have four of the same sales letters, each with a different headline, the
Optimizer tool will direct 25% of traffic to each site, and then compare results to
see which page converts better.

All the headline is going to do is interest prospects enough to make them read
the content below it. That is how sales pages are manufactured, with the intent
to get the prospect to read the next line and keep going. It’s the same with a
video sales letter also; you just want to keep the prospect's attention on the next

If your copy works well, people just keep reading right down the page and
they’re presented with all the information they need in order to make a buying
decision. Then they hit the purchase price, hit the “Add to cart” button, and
purchase your next product. No one will read just the headline alone and
immediately purchase your product. But they will read the headline and keep
reading, and that’s the biggest benefit of having a good one.

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