
(itemelite) #1


For the next few chapters, we’re going to walk through all the aspects of email
marketing, including setting up your list, building your landing pages, writing
email copy and autoresponders, plus a ton of other stuff.

Ultimately, what we’ll be doing is getting people to opt-in for your list!

Plus, we’re going to talk a bit about traffic, so you can get started funneling
traffic to your landing pages fast :0)

Now, a lot needs to happen between now and then, so, let’s get started.

This is going to be an incredible section of the book, because as an Internet
marketer your list IS your business.

It’s your foundation.

You can always communicate with your list – your buyers and your prospects.
You can mail affiliate products. You can do surveys. You can let people know
about updates on your site or new product revisions.

Email is a very powerful medium when you understand it and actually use it
correctly, which is what Scriptly helps you do!

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