
(itemelite) #1

  1. Quiz or Survey

And finally, quizzes and surveys.

What’s funny is that quizzes and surveys have been around forever, and
marketers are just now touting them as the ‘best way to engage users’ because
you can get feedback from your readers a bit differently.

Years ago, we called this list segmentation... When someone fills out a survey
and selects (A) as their choice, they get put into one autoresponder. If they
select (B), they get put in another autoresponder.

That’s the crux though... When you use a survey as a lead magnet, your lead
conversion will most likely drop... But your engagement will be a lot higher,
meaning you’ll have better quality leads!

It’s worth testing. I’ve seen campaigns that use surveys so effectively that it
doubles opt-in rates. I’ve also seen campaigns where conversions were below
10% (which is dismal!) It’s all in how you set them up!

(We’ve actually used surveys so often (and so effectively) that we built out own
survey tool,, to handle them for us. It does rules based segmentation,
URL forwarding based on answers, and all sorts of other cool stuff!)

After You Get The Lead...

After you get the lead, what do you do? Do you sell them something? Do you
give them a bunch of free content and build a relationship with them?

The best answer – both!

Inside Scriptly, we have dozens of email templates that’ll move prospects from
just getting to know you to buying your stuff as soon as you send out an email.
It’s all copy and paste.

Go here to watch the video:

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