
(itemelite) #1

thank you page?!

Add an upsell!

That’s right... If someone just downloaded a report titled, “7 Secret Persuasion
Tricks To Increase Webinar Conversion,” what do you think they’re interested


Which means you can sell webinar courses, done for you services, coaching, and
anything in between.

Welcome to the magic of creating sales funnels.

Now, let’s get back to lead magnets. There are seven different types of lead
magnets that we use, with a very strong preference to #1 and #5...

Creating Your First Lead Magnet

The first type of lead magnet that we’re going to use for your campaign is a
report or a guide.

Special reports or guides get great opt-ins, they’re easy to create, and you’ve
already got all of the software that you need to get one set up on your computer.

Plus, we’ve found that oftentimes a report or a guide will get cheaper, higher
quality leads than a video ever will.

There are some things to take note of when it comes to creating a report to give
away, including:

  • You MUST, MUST, MUST deliver value.

  • Your reader should have the ability to DO something contained in the
    report that will give them gratification of some kind.

  • There should be at least a little bit of bonding that takes place in the
    report, so your new lead gets to learn a little more about you!

  • A good length for a free report is 8 to 12 pages, normal spacing and
    typefaces. (People don't value a 50 or 100-page free report nearly as
    much as you might think.)

  • Most important of all - it needs to focus on ONE specific, clearly
    identified problem!

  • And... Make sure it contains some kind of call to action at the end of it!

With reports, the more clearly you state the benefit, the better your conversions
and lead costs will be from paid traffic.

Let’s get into your step-by-step action plan:

Free download pdf