
(itemelite) #1

maintaining a website is difficult (albeit a very valuable skill if you take the time
to learn it!).

So, they’ve created software that makes setting up landing pages and sales pages
much easier. I'll discuss some of these software options later in this chapter.

With landing pages, there are really very few places to go if you don’t enter your
email address. That’s the idea. If the person wants the information on the other
side, they have to give up an email address!

At the end of the day, there is no one best choice. Whether you build your own
landing pages or rely on a service that you pay monthly for is up to you. There
are some points to consider though.

Self Hosted Landing Pages:

  • Having everything set up on your own website, with your own web
    server is the absolute safest option in terms of data backups and having
    complete control over your data.

  • You can do things on your own website that will increase conversion of
    your pages, that app-hosted pages might not allow.

  • It'll take some time to get set up, as learning to build, maintain and
    manipulate WordPress and WordPress pages takes some time.

App Hosted Landing Pages:

  • It's much faster to deploy your first landing page, using a piece of
    software like Scriptly.

  • You get proven templates and designs right off the bat, so you spend
    less time testing.

Landing Page Psychology

Landing pages (or squeeze pages as they’re called) do something very simple –
they collect email addresses from people who may or may not be willing to
spend money with you in the future.

They give you their email address with the express consent that you can contact
them in the future through email.

You give them some kind of something that incentivizes the prospect to sign up.
That something is lead magnets we discussed in previous chapters.

It goes a little deeper though. If you read the book “Influence: The Psychology
of Persuasion” by Dr. Robert Cialdini, you start to see something else at work.

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