
(itemelite) #1

Nothing really beats good split testing. In most email marketing platforms, you
can split test subject lines so you can really nail down which ones get opened
and which ones don’t.

The more people that open the email and read it, the more clicks you’ll get. The
more clicks, the more income!

Step 3: The Email Body

Writing email copy is pretty easy, especially when you’ve got a great subject

The most obvious thing is to talk more about the subject of the email, explaining
it, and fulfilling on the promise of what will happen when someone opens to
email up.

The next thing you want them to do is to take action.

You want them to click something in your email. That’s the whole reason for
sending an email to them in the first place right?

In almost every email, you want your prospect to take an action, which is
usually clicking on a link.

Keep in mind, there’s a person reading this email. Too often, when an email
marketer knows that there are 70,000 prospects reading their emails, they forget
to write for one person. They think that if they blast out an image or a banner,
they’ll get results.

They don’t.

The key to email copy is to be relatable. To tell stories. To treat the email like
it’s written to their best friend. It shouldn’t be written any differently than if it
was an email to a good friend that you haven’t talked to in six months.

It’s totally your preference if you write long copy or want to write short copy.
Short copy tends to get more clicks, but those clicks are less qualified. Long
copy tends to get fewer clicks, but the clicks are highly qualified (they read your
whole email!).

Step 4: Getting The Clickthrough

Now for the link you include in your email...

Your goal in writing an email is to get folks from your list back to your website
for some reason. Sometimes, it’s just to place a retargeting pixel or watch a
video. Other times, it’s because you're selling something.

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