
(itemelite) #1

Personally, I use a landing page template which has a countdown widget as part
of it. Once the clock hits zero, the page redirects somewhere else. Usually, to a
“Thanks, but you missed it!” page.

You might get some emails about extending the sale for a customer due to some
special case, but that’s for you to make the call on.

You just want to make sure that publicly, the page is closed when you say it’s
going to be! Otherwise, you lose credibility and people think your sale wasn't a
sale, just a trick to get them to your site.

Executing Your Flash Sale

There are four steps to running a highly profitable, highly motivating flash sale.

They aren’t tricky and most of the complicated work is probably already done
for you...

Really, it’ll involve changing the price of one of your products, figuring out how
long your flash sale should be in place for, and letting your audience know about

Choosing Your Offer

You can choose any front-end product or service to do a flash sale with, but the
best ones are always your newer offers or the one that stands out as your best.

If you’re releasing something new into the market, a flash sale might be a great
way to get it out there and generating some sales quickly, or...

If you’ve got a flagship, lower-end product that always serves as one of the best
in terms of moving folks from being prospects to paid customers – use that one.

You want to be able to offer it at a substantial discount, so the publicly available
price should be $37 or more.

Maybe you have a video course that sells for $67 or an ebook that sells for
$47... It doesn’t matter how much it normally sells for – you just want the
discount to be pretty substantial!

Nothing gets people’s attention more than an email email that says, “Get 80%
off today!”

Putting a Time Limit in Place

When putting together your Flash Sale, make sure to put a time limit in place.

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