
(itemelite) #1

people are signing up for your webinar. They think you're going to give
them some secret that’s going to help them in their lives. You should
make the hour they spend on the line with you worthwhile.

In your webinar, you need to give them something that they can use
immediately to improve their life. You also should help them solve
something that they're having a problem with.

Bottom line— you need to give A-Ha moments in your webinar. If you
give A-Ha moments, you’re going to sell a lot of product. If you don't, if
you just pepper them with information that that they already know, that
they've heard before, they’re going to sign off and forget about you.
They’re going to unsubscribe from your email list and that’s it.

You give them A-Ha moments to actually open their mind up a little bit,
and teach them something that other people aren't teaching, or something
that is working in your life, or how it worked, or why, or the process
behind why it worked, then they’re going to purchase your stuff and
recognize you as an expert. Seriously, let them see you as an expert.

The Internet is about building a brand, a personal brand, especially in this
world. People would rather buy from a person than a company. The
people on the webinar are there, not because you represent a company,
but because you’re you, and because they can learn from you. They can
take what you know, and apply it to their life.

You need to figure out what their Pain Points are. Figure out why it is
that they are even entertaining the idea of signing up for a webinar. What
is it you can answer for them that they can't find elsewhere, or that they
can't find without seriously, seriously looking?

On our webinars, the right hook is something easily achievable. It is not
how to make $17,000 in the next 3 minutes. It’s nothing like that. It’s—
How to Make $100 a Day, or How to Use Your Blog to Attract
Customers, or How to Sell More Products Online.

We sell businesses on how to do Internet marketing. We go through
Internet marketing, give a bunch of A-Ha moments, and then at the end,
we have them sign up for a strategy call. That's the entire idea of the
webinar itself, and the hook is, every business wants to know how to sell
more online.

It’s like the Great Unseen—like The Great Oz. People look at it like it’s
some foreign being, and it’s not. But, the problem is, they don't have the
time, the willpower, or the cash to pay somebody who actually knows
what they're doing to go figure it out for them. So, business owners sign

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