
(itemelite) #1

SO is BIG here. You can see in these 2 examples that SO is right in the
middle. SO is like that the glue between the feature and the benefit. Don't
ever leave something hanging without a SO. Always make sure that there
is SO in the page, or some sort of a binding element between the feature
and the benefit.

Lastly, the call to action is what is at the bottom of the signup page. The
call to action is the most important part of this whole page, because
without a call to action, people just visit the page and leave. You need to
tell them what to do next.

For example, “Sign up below before seats fill up.” Or “Enter your name
and email below, so your seat is saved.”

Try to blend in scarcity, because attendee lines are limited on webinars,
so depending on the package by your webinar service, you may have 100
or 500 or 1,000 or whatever the limit it. Try to blend in scarcity.

Also, we’ve had some luck with prizes, not in getting signups, but in
getting them to show up for the webinar. So, give away a free Kindle or
iPad. Give them a little bit of a bonus, a little bit of a guilty incentive, to
actually show up. If they attend the whole webinar, and actually listen to
what it is you have to say, you're going to give away an iPad to an

Offer the product in exchange for the prize. So, at the end of the webinar,
you look at your attendees list and you say, “Okay, Big Joe, you just won
a Kindle! How about double or nothing? How about what we do is, I will
give you the course for free in exchange for the Kindle?” Oftentimes,
actually most of the time, they say yes.

Now, if they don’t say yes, they want the Kindle, then obviously, you
have to send them the Kindle. Oftentimes, they will trade that prize they
just won for the course, because they get the course for free—and it
doesn't cost you anything to deliver the course.

A twist on this is to give some freebie to every attendee who is on the
webinar at that point in time. This should be the same type of freebie you
would use to build a list, or maybe something a bit more valuable. The
main point is that people have to attend the webinar and stay on until you
give that item out, and you don't email them the link, you just show them
the link during the webinar.

If you follow these guidelines, your webinar signup page is going to
convert in the high 30 to 40% range. You might be able to get 50 to 55%
depending on the topic. In some niches, webinars are going to convert a

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