MaximumPC 2008 06

(Dariusz) #1
SUBMIT YOUR QUESTION Are flames shooting out of the back of your rig? First,
grab a fire extinguisher and douse the flames. Once the pyrotechnic display has
come to a halt, email the doctor at [email protected] for advice on how to
solve your technological woes.

in CrossFire on an SLI moth-
erboard, but there is a political
reason—and as usual, politics
trumps fairness. HP’s Blackbird
PC allows two AMD cards to
run in CrossFire mode on an SLI
motherboard, but AMD has no
plans to release the drivers that
support this to the public. Still,
AMD is making special drivers
for Hewlett-Packard, Dell, and
Alienware that will allow the
companies to run CrossFireX
cards on nForce SLI boards.
AMD says it will only do so
because those OEMs can ensure
that the drivers work properly
on nForce motherboards.

>:CF Woes
I built a PC about a year ago,
and now I’d like to add a Blu-
ray drive so I can watch mov-
ies on it. I think I am screwed
by HDCP. Is there a work-
around available that will let
me watch HD movies without
having to buy a new graph-

ics card and monitor? I am
using DVI connections, but I
understand that this is not the
same as HDCP, despite both
products being advertised as
HD-compatible. My videocard
is a Gigabyte GeForce 7600 GS
(256MB) and my monitor is an
Acer AL2423W.
—Wade Tanev

Your Gigabyte card is indeed
“HD compatible,” but that
doesn’t mean it will play
copy-protected Blu-ray
movies because, as you’ve
guessed, it’s not HDCP com-

patible. The same goes for
your monitor. HDCP is a
scheme that requires a digital
handshake at every stage
of playback, from the disc
to the videocard, and from
the videocard to the display.
Fortunately, there’s an easy
fix. It’s not free, but it’s much
cheaper than replacing your
videocard and your display.
Buy SlySoft’s AnyDVD (49
euros) and AnyDVD HD
Option (30 euros). Install this
software on your PC and
you’ll be able to play back
any copy-protected DVD
or Blu-ray disc without an
HDCP-compatible videocard
or display.
You should be aware,
however, that decoding Blu-
ray video is extremely proces-
sor intensive. Your 7600 GS
will rely on the host CPU for
much of this decoding effort
(CPU utilization could range

as high as 100 percent). Newer
GPUs from both AMD (begin-
ning with the RV670 series)
and Nvidia (beginning with
the G92 series) are capable of
offloading the entire decode
process from the host CPU.

<reeing up t^e :LH
I’ve got a Comcast DVR
(Motorola DCT 6412) that’s
chock-full of content I want
to watch, but the hard drive
is filling up faster than I can
watch the programming.
The cable box has a number
of connectors, including

FireWire, Ethernet, and
USB. I’ve heard rumors that
there’s a way to download
content off of the hard drive
in the box but have not been
able to get it to work on my
Windows XP laptop (a Dell
E1705). Any ideas?
Are there any legal issues
involved? Lastly, there’s a lot
of HD content on the DVR, but
my laptop doesn’t have an HD
writer. Can something be done
to make the HD content work
when played on a laptop, or is
it just too much bandwidth for
the technology I’ve got?
—Michael Collins

The Doctor knows you can
plug a USB hard drive into a
Dish Network DVR, but he
doesn’t think Comcast has
ever activated the USB ports
(or the FireWire or Ethernet
ports either, for that matter) on
its set-top boxes. The Ethernet
port on the Dish boxes is active,
but only for downloading on-
demand movies over the cus-
tomer’s network via broadband
(you can’t transfer files to a PC
over the network).
So, in short, your content is
locked to your Comcast box. If
you want to expand your abili-
ty to transfer TV programming,
you should look to another
service, such as TiVo.

SUBMIT YOUR QUESTION Are flames shooting out of the back of your rig? First,
grab a fire extinguisher and douse the flames. Once the pyrotechnic display has
fizzled, email the doctor at [email protected] for advice on how to solve
your technological woes.





You can have all the right
connectors yet still no high-def
signal going between your
computer and your monitor.

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