MaximumPC 2008 07

(Dariusz) #1
SUBMIT YOUR QUESTION Are flames shooting out of the back of your rig? First,
grab a fire extinguisher and douse the flames. Once the pyrotechnic display has
come to a halt, email the doctor at [email protected] for advice on how to
solve your technological woes. | JUL 08 | MAXIMUMPC |xx

a Thermaltake 800W unit
that’s about a year old, and
it has swappable plug con-
Most times a reboot
shows the disk in the BIOS
as “BzBzBzBz...” What’s
going on?
—Frank Buttell

There shouldn’t be a problem
with running three drives in
Windows. That leads the Doc
to believe that your problem is
caused by a bad data or power
cable, bad power (swappable
PSUs are more prone to bad
connections than hard-wired
units), or a bad drive. Try
the inexpensive route first:
Switch your drive’s SATA
cable with one that has con-
sistently worked well with a
different drive. If that doesn’t
fix the problem, try a different
SATA connector on your
motherboard. Again, swap it
with a connector you’re using
with one of your other drives.
If that still doesn’t fix
the issue, borrow a friend’s
power supply and rewire
your system. If your old PSU
isn’t the culprit, then it’s the
drive itself. Copy your data,
write a fond farewell to your
little storage friend, and buy
a new hard drive.

Powerful Protection
How much antivirus and
firewall protection do I
need? I just purchased a lap-
top that comes with Norton
Security 2007. I had also
planned on using Webroot
AntiVirus, which includes a
firewall and anti-spyware
protection. I also thought
about using ThreatFire after
I read about it in Maximum
PC (February 2008), as well
as Spybot Search & Destroy.
Is all this overkill? What do
you recommend?
—Evan Jr. Valdez

The Doctor applauds your
concern for safety, but your Fort
Knox approach is a bit of over-
kill. Your Norton Security suite
should have everything you
need for antivirus, anti-spyware,
and firewall protection. While
it might seem like you’re being
extra safe by doubling up on
programs, you could actually
be doing more harm than good.
By running multiple programs
for similar chores you invite the
potential for conflicts among
the apps as well as a hit to your
system’s performance.

Spybot Search & Destroy comes with a bevy of additional
confi guration options designed to automate the program’s
spyware destruction.

I just wanted to add something to your answer in April’s column about the per-
son’s 5Mb/s download problems. He should also ask his ISP to do a line check. Up
here in Canada, a TV program found out that people were paying for 5Mb/s ADSL
but were experiencing slower speeds; after requesting a line check, they found
that the lines could get only half a megabit, not the 5Mb they were paying for.


Check Your Line!

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