MaximumPC 2008 08

(Dariusz) #1

Feature by Feature

Firefox 3 is packed with improvements, but here’s what

we’re most excited about!

By now we’re all familiar with the padlock that appears in
the location bar to indicate that a site is safe. The trouble is
that the symbol doesn’t provide much useful information,
such as degree of security, and it can easily be faked—any
nefarious site can use a padlock as its favicon (the identify-
ing icon that appears next to a site’s URL in the location bar
and tabs) to fool careless users. In Firefox 3, the padlock has
moved to the status bar, and a site’s security is now repre-
sented by color-coding—the area surrounding a site’s favicon
in the location bar is colored gray, blue, or green for an at-a-
glance security brief. Gray represents no security credentials
and green represents the maximum. Clicking a site’s favicon
brings up a dialog box containing a similarly colored Passport
Officer and all known details about a site’s security: who
owns the security certificate, the certifying body, etc. A More
Information button reveals encryption level, times visited,
what cookies the site has set, and more. In our tests, though,
very few sites displayed full credentials—our Internet bank-
ing site, for example, didn’t rate a green stamp, even though
it’s certified by VeriSign. Instead, we got the slightly less
reassuring blue.
Firefox 3 also features a community-contributed data-
base of malware and phishing sites, similar to IE7’s. Click a
link to a site in the database and you land on a Firefox in-
terstitial page warning you that the site you’re trying to visit
has been deemed questionable. Community-based security
is only as good as the community, of course, but it’s a nice
addition. We don’t typically run into malware or phishing

sites, but anyone who keeps a neophyte’s PC running is sure
to appreciate this extra line of defense.

Firefox 3 packs a lot of interface and usability tweaks, both
subtle and obvious. On the subtle end of the spectrum, you’ll
notice tighter graphical integration with the OS. Firefox’s
updated UI uses OS-specifi c text boxes and UI cues to emulate
native applications. Nothing earth-shattering here for Windows
users—indeed, the new keyhole-shaped back/forward buttons
are the only diff erence we noticed. But Linux and OS X fans
have reason to cheer—the browser is especially good looking
on a Mac.
Session Saving, which allows you to preserve the sites
you have open in your tabs and windows when you close
Firefox, lets you save your browser’s state every time you
close Firefox, not just when the browser crashes. When you
close Firefox 3, you’ll be asked whether you want to save and
quit or just quit. If you choose the former, you’ll return to the
same tabs next time you open Firefox.
The Download Manager also gets a tune-up: Downloads
can now be paused, resumed, and saved between sessions, and
you can even copy a download link to the clipboard—useful if
you want to send a link to a pal or redownload a fi le later.
We also like the less-obtrusive Password Manager. Now,
instead of opening a dialog box when you input a new
username/password combo, the Password Manager opens in
toolbar form at the top of the page.

What’s Your

Firefox Persona?

Want to add a little fl avor to your Firefox toolbars with-
out messing around with themes? Try Personas (http:// This easy-to-use Add-On from
Mozilla Labs lets you add custom graphics to your Fire-
fox header and footer—just click the little fox-head logo
in the lower left-hand corner and pick one of the avail-
able themes. If none of them catches your eye, make
your own! Create a 3000x200 image for the header and
a 3000x100 one for the footer, then point to them using
the Preferences menu!


48 | MAXIMUMPC | AUG 08 |

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